Renewal Church Boston

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Non-Negotiable #3: NEIGHBORS

One of the few things you won’t be able to do in heaven is share how amazing Jesus is with people who don’t know him yet. There’s no outreach past the pearly gates.

And so what we do with the limited time we have on earth matters tremendously. I want as many of my NEIGHBORS to know about Jesus as possible. He is so life-changing, life-giving, life-creating that I wish my NEIGHBORS knew him.

At Renewal we are creating a church that our NEIGHBORS will love and understand. We don’t want to have to over-explain things to them when they visit, we want it to make sense. I want the messages to take their objections seriously. I want the teaching to use arguments that are effective with them. I want the music to be enjoyable to them.

At Renewal we are building a church that our NEIGHBORS will enjoy when they come. And we know they may not believe what we believe, but we want it to be thought-provoking and conversation starting. We want to get the gospel to them, and if they won’t come to church, we’ll take it to the streets.