How to Make Friends in Boston

Phones, Headphones, Dogs

This is the unholy trinity of loneliness in Boston.

It would be nice to make some friends in Boston, right? It would be wonderful if it was easy to make friends like it was in college. But everyone is on their phone, listening to their headphones, or focussing on a dog.

You can’t force friendship, it must emerge naturally. That’s why the easiest way to make new friends is to surround yourself with many positive like-minded people on a repeating basis. Then friendship will have the time and space needed to emerge naturally.

This is one reason why Renewal Church is launching our Young Professionals Ministry in Boston. Every third Thursday we meet right after work. If you want details check out @gathrboston on instagram.

When you connect at church you’re also surrounding yourself with people who can help you grow spiritually. So if you find yourself alone in Boston, we’re here for you.

[Thank you for reading! If you are looking for a church in Boston or churches in Boston please consider giving Renewal Church a try!]